Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Today's Tip:
How to keep your image files safe after archiving them!

First, you've sent your photos, slides, or other film format to Larsen Digital Services for memory preservation. Now what? We give your files back to you either on a CD, DVD, USB flash drive, or an External Hard Drive. While these are the best options right now for the safekeeping of your images, there are extra precautions you can take to ensure the safety of your files!

-Save a copy of your images to your personal computer. Not only does this give you an extra copy of each file, but now you can upload your photos to Facebook, Blogger, or Twitter! You always want to make sure that you have at least one backup of your images.

-If you received your images on a DVD or CD, then a good idea would be to purchase an external hard drive, or USB flash drive (depending on how much room you need) to keep another set of images on. You will want to store this hard drive in a well conditioned area. You can also store backups of important documents and files as well. Then, if your personal computer crashes you have that extra hard drive with everything important to you on it! You can find many cost-effective hard drives at online merchants such as NewEgg.com, mwave.com, and others.

-There are on-line file storage companies which keep your files safe and accessible. However, there is a monthly charge for this service depending on how much storage you need. You will definitely want to make sure the company you choose offers password protection, as well as an encrypted file transfer.

Larsen Digital Services offers a 5 Year Data SafeKeeping Program? If you use us to digitize your important treasures, you can pay a one time fee to have us keep your images for 5 Years! After that 5 Years is complete, feel free to renew it for another one time fee, and have peace of mind knowing your memories are safe! Price starts at only $8.15!


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